The Maddox Network
Originally created in 2020 as a social network for one school, we've since gone global, boasting over half a million active users spread across the original social network and several new projects.
What We Do

Across our different websites we offer a variety of services spanning a wide range of uses. Feel free to try them out!
The Team
The Maddox Network was created by me (Maddox) along with support from my dog. Beggining in my freshman year of high school I created the social network with support from friends. Today I work on whatever projects interest me and see if everyone else likes them too.
Contact Us
Want to work with us? Curious about what we are up to? Just want to say hi?
Feel free to send a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
The Maddox Network was first created on August 31st 2020 and originally ran on a tiny computer called a Raspberry Pi. The original version lacked most features we have today but it proved there was demand for a website like this. This is a photo of the original server for TMN

The first game on TMN was Tetris which was added on September 1st 2020 and was an instant success paving the way for the TMN Game Center in the future.

On October 8th 2020 we purchased themaddoxnetwork.com and which became the permanent home of the main website and we also upgraded the server around the same time to add more capacity

In early April of 2021 we launched TMN Game Center 2.0 which is the first version that is anything like what exists today. There were only 14 games but at the time it was enough for people to enjoy even though the design was not the prettiest thing in the world.

On April 2nd, 2021 the original prototype for Super Schoology (At the time Project Powerschool) was created. It could only pull class grades and your next few assignments. It also stored them in a text file and could only store one persons information at a time so it had plenty of work needed before it was a shareable product.

In early 2021, we attempted to launch TMN messenger which was a chat app with a modern look and easy to use interface. However, it ended up getting shut down only a few weeks later because of several bugs and most people did not use it. We also randomly created a video calling platform called Chillzone that was quickly shut down too.
Throughout 2021 we continued to add more features and gained more users. To keep encouraging this we created the TMN awards to reward our most active members with gift cards to various places at the end of the school year.
On May 26th, 2021 we finally added dark mode. This was by far the most requested feature ever and everyone talked about how excited they were when the setting first appeared that day.

Over summer break in 2021, the TMN Game Center was completely redesigned to be close to how it looks today. We listened to user feedback and also added a lot of new games during this time.

In March of 2022 we created TMN Bypass 4.0 which allowed us to add Android Apps like Among Us, Roblox, and Minecraft to the Game Center. These were an instant hit and remained our most popular games for a long time until they had to be removed due to servers getting way more expensive

On April 30th, 2022 we completed a fully working version of Super Schoology. It was clunky but supported Schoology, Canvas, and MyOpenMath assignments and grades all in one place. It also had a basic system to tell you what had changed recently and what urgently needed to be done.

In late 2022 and early 2023 TMN usage exploded. We were regularly seeing 4000 users a day from countries all around the globe. This was a lot more than the server could handle so we had to do some upgrades but it was pretty much all good from there and the growth was awesome.

Throughout the next year we added more and more games to get closer to what we have today and did redesined the Game Center to version 3.5 taking it to what it looks like today.

On December 20th, 2023 we offically launched TMN AI on it's on separate domain ai.tmnlabs.com and we made it free for anyone to use without an account. It featured a variety of text and image generation options and we made an Instagram account to go with it (@maddoxnetwork.ai)

In January of 2024 Super Schoology got it's own domain at superschoology.com along with a complete redesign on the front end and back end. It now used real databases in the back end making it far faster. It also now supported grades for each individual assignment and was much more reliable than past versions. Additonally the new version could easily be upgraded to include new sources for assignments and new features thanks to the new efficent code.

In March of 2024 we were finally able to fix parts of TMN Bypass and brought back some of the games with the goal of bringing back the Android apps at a later date.